Other personality tests and behavioural profiling tools

About Us

A vast range of personality profile tools, personality tests, behavioural evaluations exist globally. Many have been in existence for several decades and new variations on the themes emerge regularly. All diagnostic based products have their advantages and disadvantages, and EvaluationStore's Spectrum would not claim to necessarily be superior to many - we have used the same root source of individual human behaviour to build the model. The purpose of this section is to provide information on some of the competing products available to enable people to make up their own mind about which would give them the results and the value for money they require.



French psychologist Alfred Binet and physician Theodore Simon initiated the modern era of psychometric testing with their Binet-Simon scale. This was developed by Stanford psychologist Lewis Terman in 1916 as the base of 20th century IQ tests.

Carl Jung


Swiss psychiatrist who developed a number of psychological archetypes and together with some aspects of Sigmund Freuds analytical psychology work provides the platform for many behaviourally based psychometric tests.


(1930s) http://www.discprofile.com

Initially developed by William Marston in the 1920s, although he never used DISC as a behavioural assessment or personality test. Others developed an analytical assessment from the 1930s onwards, although 2 of the 4 letters (S & C) have changed meaning since Marston’s research.


(1930s) http://www.15fq.com

Building on the pioneering work by Ray Cattell (1905-1998), 15FQ has taken the original concepts, modified and developed them, and created a 16 part personality framework.

Five Factor Model


Originally quoted by L.L.Thurlstone in 1933, and developed by Allport and Odbert, the five factors are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN, or CANOE if rearranged).

Myers Briggs

(1940s) http://www.myersbriggs.org

Developed from Carl Jungs work by Isabel Briggs-Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) takes Jung's 4 typologies and develops them into 16 personality types.


(1940s) http://www.opp.co.uk/16pf.aspx

16PF is Ray Cattells 1949 version of personality profiling assesses and reports on 16 personality factors. The tool is now in its 5th edition.



Hans Eysencks approach draws on Galens 4 temperaments although he argued that a greater degree of genetic personality inheritance was present we are largely factors of our genes, not blank canvasses for society to draw on.


(1950s) http://www.opp.co.uk/FIRO-B.aspx

The Firo-B test or assessment (standing for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior ) is based on 3 dimensions inclusion, control and affection. These are expressed as expressed and to give a 6 box structure.


(1960s) http://uk.personalstrengths.com/

SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) was originally developed by Elias Porter who studied under Carl Rogers. The SDI test gives results in 3 colours in a triangle format and focuses on motivation rather than behaviour per se.


(1960s) http://www.lifeorientations.com

Life Orientations was developed by Stuart Atkins, Elias Porter and Alan Katcher drawing heavily from the work of Eric Fromm and Carl Rogers. It is a variant of the 4 profile theme which has been evident for over 2,500 years.



David Kierseys work refers both to the ancient 4 temperaments of Aristotle, Hippocrates and others; then adds 20th century adaptations from Jung plus the Myers-Briggs to give another variation of the 16 human personality types approach.


(1980s) http://opq.co.uk/

Launched in 1984 by Saville & Holdsworth, the Occupational Personality Questionnaire is widely used as an assessment of an individuals competence at work.


(1980s) www.insights.com

Dundee father and son Andi and Andy Lothian developed this version of the 4 part behavioural profile. Andi had a background in music and insurance and Andy was a merchant banker with a degree in economics and computer science.


(1990s) www.prism-profiling.com

Using a graphical web incorporating the standard colours, PRISM presents the output as analysis, drive, stability and expression

The big 5


Developed by Costa and McCrae in 1992 this test, also known as the five factor model, bills itself as an evolution from the 4 part tests and traces its roots to Friskes criticisms of Cattells work in 1949. Terminology has changed since 1992 and the 5 traits are now Stability, Extraversion, Originality, Accommodation and Consolidation.



Developed specifically for EvaluationStore.com with several key factors in mind:

  1. Free at basic level and lower price than others at full report level.
  2. Deliberately easy to understand coaches should coach, adding value not merely translate a few letters, complex phraseology, position on a diagram or the shape of a line. Many of the basic elements can also be understood without a coach or expert.
  3. On-line and so gives instant results.
  4. Environmentally responsible with no paper required.
  5. Can be amalgamated automatically to give team profiles no complex adding up just do a team evaluation.
  6. Consistent organisational culture, team and individual evaluations use a common language.
  7. Able to be used globally not western or US biased in phraseology.
  8. Able to give comparisons how do you compare with others in your region or of your age?
  9. High quality output the reports are useful in themselves not merely a vehicle to sell additional consultancy.
  10. Understandable by experts whatever other personality profile or behavioural evaluation a coach is qualified in, they will understand SPECTRUM.

EvaluationStore gives free of charge outputs to its questionnaires at basic level and low pricing to the advanced reports. The above links to the web sites of other diagnostics are to enable the EvaluationStore user to check on other available behaviour and personality tests – their inclusion does not constitute a recommendation about the effectiveness, value for money or accuracy of any of them.