About the Spectrum evaluation

About Us

Behavioural evaluations and personality profiles are commonplace globally. Most build on the work of Carl Jung, some go back further to Aristotle, Galen and Hippocrates. SPECTRUM™ takes this knowledge of thousands of years and seeks to present it simply, instantly and at basic level, free of charge. Below is a table showing over 40 different variants on the theme - different people's interpretations of Jung et al.

For almost 4,500 years we have considered human behaviour and often human personality, usually in 4 parts, types or preferences. Many individuals have published models and theories around the same basic pretext. Some, like LIFO, SDI, DISC and Myers Briggs are well known and well used today; others such as 'facial shapes' (Mar's) are now consigned to history. There are also new variants on the theme every decade with different organisations creating new words to give their variation of the basic 4 part behaviour preference understanding that has stood the test of time.

Each of us is unique. We all behave differently. Behaviour can be defined as merely a combination of our voice (pitch, tone and volume), our facial mask (how we are looking) and our body language. Behaviour can then generate action. We each choose to use behaviours based on a variety of factors such as our personalities, our life experiences, the situation we are in and role we are playing. The advent of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) has added to this by considering the values and personal identity behind our behaviour.

Behaviour can be both good, when used appropriately, and inappropriate or 'bad' when under or over used. One key to success is the ability to judge and choose the most appropriate behaviour at any one time and to get the right outcome or response from the person you are using your behaviour on. This is what SPECTRUM™ seeks to assist individuals with - whether with a coach or self coached.

Models Green Red Blue Yellow
Hippocrates & Galen 370 BC & 190AD Melancholic - sombre Choleric - enthusiastic Phlegmatic - calm Sanguine - cheerful
Aristotle 325 BC Dry Warm Cool Moist
Jung Functions Feeling Intuition Thinking Sensing
Jung Attitudes Judging/internally focused/subjective Perceiving/externally focused/objective Introvert/internally focused/objective Extrovert/externally focused/subjective
Katcher & Atkins LIFO 1960s Supporting
Giving in
Taking Over
Holding On
Dealing Away
DISC Conscientiousness Dominance Steadiness Influence
SDI Blue Red Green Mix of all 3
Eric Fromm Accepting
Isabel Myers MBTI 1950s Introvert Feeling Sensing Judging Extrovert Thinking Intuitive Perceiving Introvert Thinking Intuitive Judging Extrovert Feeling Sensitive Perceiving
Watson & Crick Cytosine Adrenine Goanine Thymine
Pavlov & Lykken (canine Types) Inhibitory Energetic Steadfast Excitatory
Power Train 2009 Feeler Controller Thinker Entertainer
Ian Tibbles ACE Helper Driver Planner Mixer
Discovery Insights Helper/Supporter Director/Reformer Coordinator/Observer Inspirer/Motivator
Facet 5 Affection
Emotion Sadness
Emotion - Aggression
Emotion - Passivity
Emotion - Happiness
Plato 340BC Sensible Intuitive Reasoning Artistic
MARs Facial Shapes Round Oval Square Triangular
Ezekiels Four Temperaments 590 BC Man Humane Lion Bold Ox - Sturdy Eagle Far seeing
Keirsey 1998 Guardian supervisor, inspector, provider, protector Idealist teacher, counsellor, champion, healer Rationalist field marshal, mastermind, inventor, architect Artisan promoter, crafter, performer, composer
Empedocles 450BC Earth Fire Air Water
The Seasons (Roman Empire) Autumn Spring Winter Summer
Hippocrates 370BC Phlegm Blood Black Bile Yellow Bile
Hippocrates Four Qualities Cold & Moist Hot & Dry Cold & Wet Hot & Moist
Eric Adickes 1905 Sceptical Doctrinaire Traditional Innovative
Eduard Spranger 1914 Religious Economic Theoretic Artistic
Ernst Kretschmer 1920 Oversensitive Insensitive Depressive Manic
Hans Eysenck 1950s Careful, controlled, thoughtful, reliable Restless, excitable optimistic, impulsive Sober, reserved, quiet, rigid Lively, talkative, carefree, outgoing
Montgomery 2002 Says what is, does what is right Says what is, does what works Says what is possible, does what works Says what is possible does what is right
Benziger and correlations to personality & behavioural models Basal Right Intuition & Empathy Frontal Left- Logic & Results Basal Left Process & Routine, Frontal Right Vision & Creativity
Kolbs Learning Style Concrete Experience Abstarct Conceptualisation Reflective Observation Active Experimentation
Big Five Model Introvert, Sensitive, Detail, Agreeable, Creative, Closed Extrovert, Confident,Unstructured, Tough Minded, Conforming, Open Introvert, Sensitive, Detail, Tough Minded, Conforming, Closed Extrovert, Confident, Unstructured, Agreeable, Creative, Open
Firo-B Inclusion Affection Control Inclusion Inclusion Control Affection Control
Birkman Method Acceptance, Esteem Advantage, Authority, Challenge Structure, Thought Activity, Change, Empathy, Freedom
Cattells 16PF Warmth, Sensitivity, Privateness, Apprehension, Perfectionism Emotional Stability, Dominance, Open to Change, Self Reliance Reasoning, Rule Consciousness, Vigilance, Tension Liveliness, Social Boldness, Abstractness
OPQ Saville & Holdsworth Introvert people focused Extrovert task focused Introvert task focused Extrovert people focused
Pavlov Passive Moderate Active Moderate Passive Extreme Active Extreme
Adler Leaning Ruling Avoiding Social
Marston Submission Dominance Compliance Inducement
Merrill Amiable Driving Analytical Expressive
The California Psychological Inventory Behind the Scenes In Charge Chart the Course Get Things Going
Blake Middle of the Road Produce or Perish Impoverished Country Club Team
Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Accommodating Competing Avoiding Collaborating

In SPECTRUM™ we have four main colours linked to all previous models
Red fire, danger, hot, anger etc
Blue- cool, calm, water, sky, logic etc
Green ecological, growing, peace & justice etc
Yellow sunny, positive, happy, warm etc
When these are mixed with other colours, there are 6 double blends - new colours
Orange - a mix of yellow and red
Purple - a mix of blue and red
Aqua - a mix of green &blue
Lime - a mix of yellow & green
Olive - a mix of yellow and blue
Brown - a mix of red and green
Three colours mixed will give
And all four mixed could give
Spectrum (all colours visible equally)